Honda Headlight Upgrades

Headlight Upgrades

Before starting any headlight upgrade projects, have a look at the Daniel Stern Lighting Web site.

For a good description of how to use regular H4 (i.e., 55/60w or even brighter) bulbs in a Honda, see the now-defunct NoyzToyz H4 Bulb Modification Page; for a description of how to modify a (VFR750F) headlight unit to permanently accept normal H4 bulbs, see Bob Peloquin's H4 modification page. Another option is to fit some H4 bulb adapter rings available from Sport Touring Accessories.

Although VFR800 owners report good results from simply bending back or breaking off the lower tabs on standard H4 bulbs, with several other Hondas this results only in an unstable and/or randomly positioned high performance H4 bulb. Bob Peloquin has a nice diagram illustrating the potential problems that can arise from mis-aligned H4 bulbs here. Home Copyright © 1999-2005